What to do in case of death


Death at home:

it is necessary to call a general practitioner, outside his office hours call emergency service tel. 155 or directly to the coroner (tel: 725 440 155) who examines the deceased and issues a certificate of examination of the deceased (the so-called Examination Certificate).  After the doctor (coroner) leaves, call the funeral service.

Tel: 703 12 13 13 emergency 24 hours a day 7 days a week


Death in hospital:

An Examination Certificate will be issued by the local doctor and family members will be informed. Personal belongings of the deceased must be collected by one of the relatives of the deceased. The transport of the deceased and the collection of necessary documents are handled by the funeral service.


To arrange a funeral, take with you:

  • identity card of the person who arranges a funeral
  • identity card of the deceased person (if available) or birth certificate
  • clothing for the deceased (also dental prosthesis if necessary)
  • a photograph of the deceased to use e.g. on a parte


An adviser for the bereaved  

Death certificate is

issued by the registry office relevant to the place of death. The person who arranges a funeral will receive it by post.

An official urn

will be issued upon submission of an appeal to issue an urn. If it is not collected within 1 year, it will be stored in a common burial place for a fee of CZK 500.00 without the possibility of collection.

Widow's/widower's pension

Necessary documents: ID card of the applicant, marriage certificate, death certificate; for orphan's pension: birth certificate of the child, a confirmation of study (for those over 15 years old ). It is applied to the District Social Security Administration in Bruntál, 6 Rymarovska Street, tel: 554782111

Statutory leave

The person ordering the funeral: husband, wife, parent of a minor child - 2 days + 1 day for the ceremony, the leave is paid. The person ordering the funeral: son, daughter, grandchildren, brother, sister, brother - in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law, cohabitant - 1 day + 1 day for the ceremony, the leave is paid.

For the ceremony

Nieces, nephews, uncles, aunts, cousins receive 1 day excuse from the work for the ceremony.


The person ordering the funeral will be invited by the notary to discuss the inheritance by registered letter according to the place of residence of the deceased after approximately 2 months. The registry office automatically suspends the payment of a pension.


Obligation to provide information on out-of-court settlement of Consumer Disputes


Within the meaning of and pursuant to the provisions of § 14 and § 20d to § 20za of the act. No. 364/1992 Coll., on consumer protection, as amended, with reference to Civil Code No. 89/2012 Coll. is provided to the consumer (client) the following


INFORMATION on out-of-court settlement of Consumer Disputes

  1. The seller shall inform the consumer in a clear, comprehensible and easily accessible manner about the out-of-court Consumer Dispute Resolution entity that is materially competent for the type of product or service offered, sold, provided or brokered. The information must also include the internet address of this entity, which is the Czech trade inspection – www.coi.cz. If the seller operates a website, this information is also provided on this website.
  2. If a dispute between the consumer and the seller was not settled directly between the parties, the seller shall provide the consumer with the information referred to in Paragraph 1 in paper form or on another data carrier.